Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Role of Play in Human Development

Anthony D. Pellegrini : Oxford University Press

The final cover.

Chiefs, Scribes & Ethnographers

James Howe : University of Texas Press

The author had an original mola created for the cover imagery. The first comp is a more typical way to utilize the imagery and suits the subject well and ultimately was the chosen design for the final. The second comp was more of an experiment to see how else I could use the embroidered piece and still be true to the spirit of the piece and the content of the book.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Role of Play in Human Development [comps]

Anthony D. Pellegrini : Oxford University Press

A medical textbook that needed a serious, professional look while also reflecting the subject of play. These are the three ideas presented. Middle comp was selected and in undergoing some typographic revisions.